I am secretly, perfectly tall



it had been three months i stuck at home. cuti kali ni, aku cuti secuticutinya. family and friends keep questioning why i refuse to go out or to hang out. aku cuma takde mood. malas.
raya ni, i dont care at all where to go, what to wear, who to meet. perasaan beriya nak raya sahsah dah takde. i just need my own self.

although i cooped myself up in the house for twenty-four hours, it doesnt mean i didnt do anything and wasting my time. i learn to cook, stitch, tidy up the house, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, wash my own clothes and do all what a girl supposed to do instead of going out nowhere and chill out till late night. 

bila aku refuse nak keluar, aku cuma tak rasa nak jumpa sesiapa dan lepak dengan sesiapa. i need no one but myself.

"it's not me that changing, my mind is,"