Dear boyfriends outside there, the most important thing you shouldn't do toward your girlfriends is talk to her about your ex-s.
if you say something nice, your girlfriends will assume you still like them.
if you say something nice, your girlfriends will assume you still like them.
if you say something bad, your girlfriends will assume you'll do the same to them.
bila kau dengan aku, aku taknak dengar pasal exgirlfriends kau. dont let me know. macammana aku tanya pun, please jangan cerita.
sebab aku memang jenis jeles, berfikiran pasif dan sensitif.
kalau kau berbaik dengan dia dan cakap you two just friends, buang masa. sumpah aku tak percaya.
kalau kau berbaik dengan dia dan cakap you two just friends, buang masa. sumpah aku tak percaya.
"dalam hidup ni, cukuplah satu peluang dan satu pengajaran, the second will break you down,"